Our chapter members are descendants of the men and women who risked their lives and fortunes during the American Revolution. They served in various capacities, promoting the cause of American independence during the war. We are so proud of these brave Patriots.
Thomas | Ballard, Sr. | VA |
Higginson | Belt, Sr. | MD |
Edward | Boone | VA |
Martha Bryan | Boone | VA |
William | Brown | NC |
Joseph | Bryan | VA |
Jerimiah | Bucknam | MA |
Eleanor | Butts | VA |
James | Cannon | SC |
Samuel | Cannon | SC |
John | Champers | VA |
Joseph | Collard | VA |
Robert | Curry | VA |
Charles | Dorsey | MD |
Nicholas | Dorsey | MD |
William | Dowel, Sergeant | VA |
John | Ebert | MD |
Abel | Edwards | SC |
Isaac Newton | Ellis | PA |
Jonathon | Farr | NH |
Joshua | Ferguson | VA |
Adam | Fisher | RI |
Thomas | Francis | PA |
Nathan | Frizzell, Private | SC |
Guyon | Gibson | SC |
Richard | Gladney | SC |
William | Goodson | VA |
Daniel | Grant | VA |
Thomas | Green | RI |
Lenard | Heasley | PA |
Malcolm | Henry, Lieutenant | SC |
John Justus | Hinkle | VA |
Jonas | Hobart | NH |
Robert | Jameson | VA |
Thomas | Kennedy | VA |
John Jr. | Kimball | CT |
John Sr. | Kimball | CT |
John | Larue | VA |
John | Lawson | VA |
Spencer | Lehew | VA |
Benjamin | Manifold, Jr. | PA |
Daniel | Maupin | VA |
Gabriel | Maupin | VA |
William | Mavity | VA |
Daniel | McAuley | PA |
Andrew | McElvain | VA |
Thomas | McKibben | PA |
James | McQueen | VA |
William | Millikan, Jr. | NC |
William | Millikan, Sr. | NC |
John | Minnis, Sergeant | PA |
Avery | Mustain | VA |
Jesse | Mustain | VA |
Thomas | Mustain | VA |
Paul (Ivan) | Neely | PA |
Thomas | Owen | MD |
Thomas | Owen | RI |
Asa | Page | VT |
Philip | Pendleton | VA |
Ebenezer | Plummer | CT |
Peter | Shellhammer | PA |
Joseph | Sitton | NC |
Dudley | Stephens | VA |
William | Stewart | PA |
Nicholas | Straubaugh | NC |
William | Sydnor, 2nd Lieutenant | VA |
John | Thurman, Sr. | VA |
John | Thurmond | VA |
Nicholas (Elijah) | Trosper | NC |
Robert | Warren | VA |
Sylvester | Welch | VA |
Thomas | Welch | VA |
Robert | Wilson, Sr. | NJ |
Theodore | Woodbridge | CT |
Jacob | Zumwalt | VA |